Friday, November 22, 2013

But first...some words of thanks.

Thank you to those community members who attended our first community brainstorming session--Mr. Ericsson, Mrs. Sinoway, Mr. Smith, Mrs. Benedetti, Mr. Franklin, Mrs. Wilson-Pines, Mrs. Guzzo, and Mrs. Muratore.  Thank you to Mrs. Sinoway for hosting the meeting at her shop. Thank you to the Weber Middle School Principal, Mrs. Rodahan, for meeting with us and sharing ideas. Thank you to Commissioner Dave Franklin for starting the safe driver initiative with the input from the parents of the PortWParents Yahoo Group.  Thank you to our troop leader, Mrs. Nutter, for helping us get organized. Thank you to Ms. Rivera-Downey of Girl Scouts of Nassau County for giving us direction about blogs and how they work.  Thank you in advance to all of you who will join with us in the future to make Port Washington a safer place to live and drive.


  1. Thank you girls for getting involved in solving these problems. You are making a difference, and helping to save lives. I am proud to be associated with you, and I am here for whatever you need. This community is better because of people like you.

    1. Thank you so much! We are excited to start new projects.

    2. Thank you! Without everybody's help we would have much more trouble with this!
