Hello everybody! Long time no post, sorry about that!
I know that school is almost over (get excited for summer!), but….Parents! It would be awesome if you could review bus safety precautions with your kids! I was in the car with my mom the other day, and we were stopped at a stop sign on Sandy Court waiting for a school bus that was across the intersection facing us. After the kids were done getting off the bus, the bus driver closed the door, pulled in the flashing "STOP!" sign, turned off the flashing lights, and started to pull away. Since that usually means cars are allowed to move, we proceeded slowly past the bus and all of a sudden, a boy ran out from behind the bus right in front of our car! Someone was waiting on the porch across the street. Please remind your kids that they're supposed to cross the street IN FRONT OF THE SCHOOL BUS. This lets the bus driver see them, and they won't turn off the flashing lights or stop sign until all the children have safely crossed. Although we were only going a few miles per hour, that boy ran right into our path! Keep your kids safe please!